Dogs on Ice

Bring your pups out for fun on the Whitewater Center’s one-of-a-kind ice skating rink.

Check-In Location: River Center

Price: $12 per person

Dogs on Ice Opens: 10:00am

Dogs on Ice Closes: 4:30pm

Registration: Pre-registration is highly recommended. The day of registration is available only if capacity allows it.

Once registered, you may come anytime during the Dogs on Ice open period (10:00am-4:30pm).


About this Activity: Activities at the Whitewater Center are inherently dangerous. Ice can be slippery, wet, or sharp, and it is recommended that dogs wear boots or other paw coverings. Dogs without paw coverings should only be on the ice for 40 minutes or less, and paws should be washed afterward to remove residue from the ice. Close-toed shoes or ice cleats are required for humans. All dogs must be off-leash when on the ice rink and accompanied by their owners. Dogs must be on leash at all other times. No food or toys will be allowed on the ice rink. Capacity on the rink will be monitored for safety.

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Doga (Dog Yoga)

Strengthen the connection between you and your furry friend. Doga is a form of yoga for you and your dog that helps improve posture, promote better sleep, and alleviate stress and anxiety.

Check-In Location: South Ridge

Price: Free

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Vendor Village

Dog Days of Winter features pet brands from Charlotte and beyond to spread the doggy love at the Whitewater Center. Swing by the various tents to get your dog some gear, yummy treats and more.

Location: Guest Services Hub (by ice skating rink)

Time: 10:00am – 4:30pm

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Live Music: GA-20

A Boson, MA-based blues trio named after the 1950s Gibson amplifier, GA-20 has a vintage Chicago blues sound performed live with just two guitars, vocals, and drums.

Live Music: J & The Causeways

Fresh off playing on the main stage at New Orleans Jazz Fest, this juggernaut soul/R&B ensemble is filled with heavy backbeats and a soaring horn section.

Live Music – The Lone Bellow

Throughout their lifespan as a band, The Lone Bellow have cast an indelible spell with their finespun songs of hard truth and unexpected beauty, frequently delivered in hypnotic three-part harmony.
